Women Empowerment – Kenia.
Once again my ways led me to the African continent with the Austrian branch of the international aid organization CARE. Kenya should become our destination and once again the women have been in the focus. The core of these projects, above all is the health of mothers and children. Despite significant advances in recent years, the infant mortality rate is still over 5 percent by the age up to 5 years.
As with my experiences in the Philippines, it was clear again that the missionaries of the Church have done a “great job” and that birth control is still a very sensitive and hot topic theme here. Therefore, an important aspect of CARE is the protection against HIV infection, as well as the possibilities of family planning and contraceptive methods. It often seems to me a difficult tightrope walk, the right balance between the deep-rooted Christian faith and the reasonable foresight in terms of health and chances of survival.
Impressive impressions I was allowed to take back to my homeland, the sustainable help stays on site – luckily!